How to Import Build Code to Delta Force

Master the art of importing Delta Force builds and optimize your weapons for peak performance. Follow our simple guide to get started.

Step-by-Step Instructions

  • Copy your shared build code from the website.
  • Delta Force build code import guide
  • Go to the Gunsmith section in the game menu. Select the weapon you want to customize. And click to modify the build
  • Delta Force build import guide
  • Go to tab Loadout and Click on the Import option at the bottom right.
  • Delta Force build import guide
  • Paste the shared build code into the field and search. After that, click on the Apply Loadout button
  • Delta Force build import guide
  • If you want to share your build with friends, copy the build code and paste.
  • On the website I only use the Code "6EU2BQ00F7PRNFAMM0T3M" as the other data is not useful and also causes incompatibility with the game's language when importing.Delta Force build import guide
  • Enjoy your optimized loadout and dominate the battlefield!

Why Optimize Your Build?

Using the right build can significantly enhance your gameplay by improving accuracy, damage, and overall performance. Check out ourTop-rated builds for Delta Force.